Over the weekend, I ran a 10k, with this awesome group of ladies. This is my workout group, mom's group, social group and most importantly they are my friends.
We were encouraged to run this race by an instructor that leads our challenge group, Hollie. She created a training plan for all of us to follow for ten weeks to prepare us for the 6.2 mile run. The training included one day of speed training and two days of race pace runs to build up endurance. Each week, my goal was to complete the speed work and at least the longest run because I wanted to continue with my regular workout schedule. Plus, I wasn't actually going to run the race so I was just running to run. I thought I had plans but actually had my schedule all messed up. Anyway, it worked out for me to run with my girls.
So, we met at 6:30, walked down to the starting area, heard the national anthem and then walked towards the starting line. When I started running I had two goals; one- finish the race and two- finish it in an hour. The first couple miles flew by, I had a great pace going. Then, I was thirsty and at mile marker four there was a water station. Sadly, they had very little water and I had to search for a cup and then I stepped in mud. It slowed me down a bit but I felt great about where I was with my time. Fast forward to my last mile, I was relived when I saw the last mile marker because I was running out of steam. I had to keep telling myself that I could do this, don't walk now, almost done and you've got this! Almost, nonstop! As I got really close to the line, I saw my husband and kids with a sign we made cheering me on. I crossed the line at just under and hour, 59:53, officially.
I did it!
We did it! I am so proud of all these ladies for completing this challenge. As well as, thankful that I call them friends. I am pretty lucky!