On our life.
Sugar Creek, Shades State Park, Indiana |
Coming home from a camping weekend and then leaving two days later for a weekend getaway for Eric and me has caused our day to day routine to look more like a disaster. We try to plan for our returns, so we have an easy transition back to reality from vacation mode but it never goes as smoothly as we hoped it would.
Planning for our return, I like the house to be clean, the laundry to be done, and some food in the house so we can eat at home that first day we get back. So, I work on all of those things within the days before leaving. Well, with going on two trips with only two days in-between my planning did not go so well.
We left for camping with the house pretty clean, the laundry done, and the fridge had enough food in it. When we returned home Monday and were able to unload, unpack and clean up everything pretty easily, only to start repacking and reloading to take the boys to my parents and us to catch a plane to South Carolina.
Hiking trail in Shades State Park, Indiana |
I packed the boys and started packing for myself on Tuesday. I hate packing for trips where I need three outfits per day. Workout clothes, everyday clothes and dinner clothes. I know some things can be repeated but it is so hard to edit down and not overpack. But by the end of the day, I had a plan for my packing, running some errands, dropping the boys and dog off, and cleaning the house.
Wednesday, I dropped the boys at school, ran a few errands gathering the items that we all needed, loaded the car, picked up the boys and the dog, then headed to my parents to drop them off. I made my visit short because I needed to hurry back to eat dinner, go to a meeting, finish packing and clean the house.
My mom calls me, with only a half an hour to go on my return trip to asks where I put the car seats. I left them in my car, of course. So, I turned around for another three hour round trip drive back to my parents house. I was bummed. I missed my meeting and after driving for about six hours, I didn't want to come home and clean the house.
I got home and suggested heading up to our watering hole for a beer, after we finished packing. This was the fastest I had ever completed my editing process and finishing touches on my weekend wardrobe. The best part about grabbing a beer was when we sat down the bartender took our order and asked if we wanted our usual dessert. We are now "sometimers," we don't go enough to be regulars but enough to be remembered.
Atlantic Ocean, Kiawah Island, South Carolina |
When we left on Wednesday morning, the house was picked up and I had run the vacuum but I should have really mopped the floors. The bathrooms were just ok, they really needed to be refreshed. The laundry was done but there were four baskets full of clean clothes. There was a lot of work that needed to be done.
Our return home Sunday evening was ok, the unloading and unpacking process seemed easier since we just had our clothes, the boys clothes and some toys. We had enough food in the house to pull together a pretty good meal, the laundry was manageable and the house felt dirty but we could make it until I was able to get to it.
This was when I began to feel overwhelmed. I had to take the boys to the dentist, pick up the dog, take Emerson to school, and get groceries on Monday. The boys made it to the dentist, Emerson missed school, the dog got picked up, and groceries were bought. It was a great day, a lot was accomplished.
I was happy but I also wanted to sit down to write, edit pictures, check emails, write down all the ideas that had come to me in the past week, and take some time to plan for the week. But sleep was more important, when then lead to missing a meeting the next day because I decided to take some time for myself and head to the gym.
Middleton Plantation, Charleston, South Carolina |
Wednesday ran pretty smoothly with catching up on my regular tasks and getting all of us back on our schedules.
Finally, today, the house is completely clean, laundry is done, we have plenty of food, and I am able to sit down to write, edit photos, write down my ideas and take some time for myself. Four days after we have returned I feel like I am back to my routine.