Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Get Out and Go...

Somewhere. Anywhere. Just be a part of the world.

We are preparing to go on our next camping trip and I keep thinking about our "Wanderlust" trip last year and the campsite we didn't get to use.

Last year, we went on a three week trip to California. We drove and took our time getting there making different stops along the way. Our first stop, Arches National Park. We drove 22 hours to get to what would be the coolest campsite we have ever had.

We arrived at our campsite in late afternoon, it was hot, like 103 degrees hot. We knew that it was going to be hot and we knew that when the sun set the temperature would drop and the forecast called for temperatures in the 70's.

So, we worked on setting up our campsite. The play tent fit perfectly tucked in with some trees. Then came the sleeping tent. We tried three different places and we could not get the stakes in the ground. We had been there almost two hours, we were hot, we were hungry and the kids were getting restless having to be locked up in their play tent.

Rhys wanted to make sure Mr. Potato Head didn't become a baked potato! It looks like it was a rough job!

After a half an hour more of trying to come up with ways to stake the tent we threw in the towel. We were hangry. It was almost 8. It was still 103 degrees. We had lost all optimistic hope that the temperature would drop. 

We packed up, headed to town, found a hotel and unloaded our things for the night. Eric and I both felt a little defeated. We both wanted to camp under the stars in the dessert. 

We finally got some food around 9:30 (temperature holding strong at 99) and then snuggled into bed. We thought, we would all be asleep within minutes but the boys had a different idea. Another couple of hours passed with a high level of frustration and tension. Then, finally we were all asleep.

The next day was a beautiful 90 degree day, we were just one day to early!

This was our view!

This was the other direction. It seriously was crazy beautiful. We were lucky enough to spend a few hours in the spot. Next time, next time.

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