Friday, July 17, 2015

Favorite things...

Street Photography.

The other day I was going through photos and I opened up the folder with all of my pictures from my study abroad in Italy.  I knew that I had taken a lot of pictures of people in public space, I just forgot how much I liked what I saw. I tried "making art" with these but failed at my first attempt. I now love them just the way they are.

So, for your viewing pleasure my art project about how people use public spaces or events and why are some spaces are better than others. It's a working title. I was trying to merge my landscape studies with my art studies. I think what I ended up with is some really great street photography.

This last picture, I want to be that lady. This was a street race that was going through Florence. It was pretty cool to see and I bet even more spectacular as a passenger in one of the cars.

So, these are all shot a little differently. Some I am looking right through the lens at the people, those are the ones where the someone in the picture is staring directly at you. The rest are all shot by pointing my camera at what I saw, shooting away and hoping that I captured what I wanted. 

I have been taking so many pictures of my kids lately that I don't think I am looking at what is all around me. Looking back through this Italy file makes me what to photograph more of the world around me.

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