Monday, December 28, 2015

December 28th

Wow, December has come and gone. We are in the final week of 2015 and I am not sure how we got here so fast. We have had a great year filled with many blessing, some very big heart ache, and lots of fun. How did we get to the end of December when I sat out with a goal to post December dailies and I did three?

This month was beyond busy for us. The first couple of days were easy but by the first weekend we had such a full schedule, I wasn't sure how we would get it all in. We had three birthday parties,a play date, two classes to lead, sing-a-long at church, one holiday party, and grocery shopping. We managed to get it all in even with some change of plans. 

The highlight of that weekend for the boys was their first trip to Chuck E. Cheese! We have told the boys that that place is for birthday parties and there isn't one in our town. These are both true statements but we just haven't told them you can go whenever and it's only twenty minutes anyway. So, we could just go but I think that is a place that we should treat as something special. 

The wa wa wa part of the weekend was when my phone went for a swim. I was optimistic about drying it but it didn't work. We had to order a replacement which again another optimistic outlook was being taken. Unfortunately, it was glitchy which meant we had to order another replacement. A week and a half after dropping it, I finally got a working phone. 

Then, some fun for me started. The preparation for breakfast with Santa, gathering and making decorations to turn our preschool into a winter candy land for Santa. That week I worked with a bunch of great ladies whom gave their time to help make the day special for their kids, our kids and all the other kids. I was so happy to see such a great turnout! It is truly one of my favorite days because I get to photograph everyone with Santa and hear all their wishes.

Little did I know that I was at the beginning of a two week illness battle that was hard to fight. Fingers crossed and knock on wood, I am on the mend. I some how managed to get all my commitments done but looking back I wish I would have rested more early on to kick it quicker. 

Being sick did put a stop to our Christmas shopping and by the weekend before Christmas we had only bought two gifts. Some how I pulled it together and in two days got it all done. The worst part of the two week illness was that it reared it ugly head Christmas Eve. 

While trying to get dressed for church that night I told Eric that I couldn't make it because I was going to be sick and headed to bed at 6:30. We had so many tasks to complete for Santa to come to our house, that I was a little worried that we weren't going to pull it off. Eric stepped up big time and wrapped all the gifts with his niece and got everything out and ready for out magical morning. 

Christmas is my favorite holiday, being sick and not being able to get things ready was hard. Somehow, Christmas morning I was able to get up early wrap Eric's gifts, stage the cookies, milk and place Santa's letter out, get out the last couple of forgotten gifts before the boys woke up. 

Rhys was first and at two he doesn't really get it yet but likes the idea of presents. He kept asking are these for me and Emerson, with such joy and excitement. We then convinced him to go wake up Emerson by telling him Santa had come. That was the quickest I have ever seen Emerson wake up. The both hurried downstairs and the second that Emerson could see the presents under the tree he exclaimed, "He did come! Santa did come!" 

The next couple of hours were spent enjoying the excitement, playing with toys, and loving the fun. Then, I headed to bed for two days. 

I am thankful that I was able to see the excitement of Christmas morning and beyond grateful that Eric took care of everything.

These next few days will be filled with looking back and looking forward. Thinking about what goals I am still working on and new goals I want to work towards. Thinking about what we have done as a family and what we still want to do. I am excited to see what this new year will bring for me and my family. 

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